Don’t show up to your open house without these 7 must-haves.
Open houses are one of the best ways to showcase a home and attract buyers. Here seven open house essentials that you should never overlook.
1. Signage – Posting signs through the neighborhood is an effective way to attract attendees, especially curious homeowners who may not currently be looking for a home. Some agents use specialty signs, advertising giveaways and other incentives for homebuyers to attend.
2. Business cards – Not every buyer is going to make a decision on a property at the open house. Have business cards handy to give potential buyers so they may contact you if they decide to make an offer. Handing out business cards at your open house is also a great way to build your network. There may be homebuyers at your open house who are looking for an agent.
3. Informational packets – You may not have time to talk to every potential homebuyer who walks through the door. Offering an informational packet for attendees is a great way to answer questions without having to engage in a 30-minute conversation that distracts you from greeting other potential buyers. Informational packets also allow attendees to revisit the home after the open house.
4. Refreshments – Everyone loves free food and refreshments. Food can make a house smell like home and invoke a sense of comfort.
5. Positive attitude – Refreshments aren’t the only thing that can help make an open house comfortable and enjoyable for potential homebuyers. Greeting attendees at the door with a smile on your face will set the tone for a warm and friendly open house.
6. Staging – Home staging is crucial to increasing a home’s appeal to potential buyers. Make sure to clear away clutter and excess furniture prior to the open house. Some home interiors may even need a fresh coat of paint, or a new paint color altogether.
7. Feedback cards – Feedback after an open house can be very valuable, especially when a home isn’t selling. Ask potential homebuyers what they like about the property, what they disliked, what they think of the price, etc. This information can help you evaluate your efforts to sell the home and determine what your sellers can do to make the property more attractive.