Real Estate Technology Tools for Teams

As a busy professional, the sheer amount of new technology that is served up to you on a regular basis can sometimes leave your head spinning. As real estate itself is getting smarter, the pressure to adopt new technologies in your office increases. New platforms and software programs promise to save you time, deliver better leads and automate many of your processes — but they’re not all created equally, and not all of them are created with the real estate professional in mind.

We often hear about the state of technology for consumers, but yet relatively little about how brokerage-specific technology is evolving. For example, overseeing real estate teams requires not only people management but also tracking and evaluating workflow and productivity. As a business owner and a team leader, you have to understand how your team is using their time, communicating with one another, engaging with brokerage clients and prospects, and how paperwork is being completed. You also need to understand how commissions are earned and how leads are being generated.

Smart real estate software provides your agents with everything from lead generation to video editing, as well as open house management software and help with tracking their expenses. The right technology tools can not only help streamline your listings and closings by simplifying transaction management, but they can also help to lead to greater agent satisfaction and retention. Of course, it’s good to know what tools can help you achieve greater productivity within your team.

A mobile-compatible video marketing tool

One of the first things your agents should do is to create a video profile, on top of a written bio, to use with their website. Not only does this allow prospects to feel like they’re getting to know your agents, but it is also proven that video is a more engaging tool than just photos. 

While anyone can create a quick video on their smartphone, using this type of program will allow you to create a more polished and professional-looking video, complete with filters, headers, logos, music, and more.

Try it: WeVideo, BombBomb, Animoto

CRM software designed with real estate in mind 

While CRM programs are certainly nothing new, you might want to consider using one with real estate-specific capabilities. While any CRM is capable of keeping track of your prospects, clients, contacts, and appointments, something that goes beyond the basic canned email message for things such as your clients’ anniversary or notes of congratulations can be instrumental in scaling up your business.

Real estate-specific CRMs also tend to come with relevant add-ons, like website templates, email drip campaigns, and even the ability to integrate directly with your existing social media accounts for a seamless experience. 

Try it: BoomTown, Wise Agent, kvCORE, Commissions Inc, Contactually

A tool for scheduling that works with your calendar

Wouldn’t it be nice if your clients were able to find out quickly when you’re available and book time with you on their own? Imagine all of the back-and-forth communication that could be saved. Fortunately, there are tools and apps that allow your clients to tap into your calendar and book appointments with you directly — saving you time and making the process easier for your clients and prospects, as well. 

Try it: Calendly, ShowingTime

Want to learn more? 

It’s important to keep in mind what real estate technology will help you connect best with your clients. To learn more about the tools that every team needs to manage time, clients, paperwork, commissions, and leads to keep a team running smoothly, sign up for our course The Tech You Need to Manage a Real Estate Team today. 

AgentEDU® is a platform where agents at every level can come to watch 10-minute video courses for the many situations that successful agents must master. From essential to advanced level and everything in between, AgentEDU® courses help agents become top producers with increased earnings and a plan for continued growth.AgentEDU® is an Agent Publishing brand. For 18 years, Agent Publishing has been committed to providing residential real estate professionals with the information and training required to build successful and meaningful careers in their local markets. Agent Publishing’s influence extends to every career stage and reaches agents across print, digital, events and online learning.

Getting Online Reviews: 3 Tips for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, your online presence and social media reputation play a vital role in your business — perhaps more than you may recognize. Nearly every homebuyer these days will begin their search online and look for online reviews to check out what people are saying about you.

Many business owners only think of Yelp, but reviews are everywhere online. Not surprisingly, 89% of clients search for information about a real estate agent online before making the decision to contact them at all. 

That said, glowing online reviews can not only help to enhance and build your online profile — they are likely the deciding factor in a potential buyer or seller’s decision to contact you or use your services. In fact, the NAR Profile of Buyers and Sellers indicates that home sellers value the reputation of an agent (31%) more than any other factor when selecting an agent to sell their home. 

So, whether you’re trying to gain more reviews on your Yelp page, on your Facebook business page, or for your or Zillow profile, let’s look at some must-remember tips for success:

#1. Let Clients Know About Your Online Profiles 

There’s a fine line between making your clients uncomfortable by aggressively and openly asking for reviews versus simply letting them know about your online profiles and their ability to leave a review if they’re comfortable. 

To ensure your clients know about their ability to leave a review, consider adding your social profiles to your website and email signature. If you have a Yelp page, for example, you can add a Yelp button to your email signature, which can immediately take them to your profile. If you’re a broker, you may also consider adding social media icons to your brokerage’s storefront. 

#2. Make Engagement a Priority 

Most seasoned real estate agents run drip email campaigns that keep their sphere of influence up-to-date on market conditions, new listings, or even community events. 

As part of your ongoing engagement and lead nurturing, consider adding your new testimonials to the footer of your email. Or, perhaps you ask your client if you can feature their review in your latest e-blast or blog. Ideally, you would ask only after they’ve provided a review on their own terms — without you instigating it. 

This not only helps your testimonials and reviews be seen by a wider audience, but it can also be a nice way of showing your clients you appreciate the time it took for them to review you … which leads us to our next point … 

#3. Show Your Thanks 

Always send a quick note or Thank You card to your client for their review. And, if the review was less than stellar, you should still reach out. This is a great opportunity to acknowledge the feedback and put steps into place to learn and grow from the experience. 

If you find yourself getting too emotional about negative reviews, you might also consider asking a trusted confidant or admin at your brokerage to help formulate responses. 

Grow Your Online Reputation 

The importance of online reviews and your social reputation grows with every click of a potential client’s mouse. To learn more about increasing your online presence, sign up for our AgentEDU® course Yelp for Your Real Estate Business today. 

AgentEDU® is a platform where agents at every level can come to watch 10-minute video courses for the many situations that successful agents must master. From essential to advanced level and everything in between, AgentEDU® courses help agents become top producers with increased earnings and a plan for continued growth. For a 7-day free trial sign up here.

AgentEDU® is an Agent Publishing brand. For nearly two decades, Agent Publishing has been committed to providing residential real estate professionals with the information and training required to build successful and meaningful careers in their local markets. Agent Publishing’s influence extends to every career stage and reaches agents across print, digital, events and online learning.