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How to Turn One Client Relationship into A Flood of Referrals

Learn how to turn your happy clients into lucrative lead sources that supply you with business for years to come.

Sometimes, your work speaks for itself. Other times, your clients will speak for you. The agents who build successful referral networks know how to get their clients to talk.

Just Being a “People Person” Isn’t Enough

Your professional image and personality are two big reasons clients will decide to work with you, and are important in your business, but being likable isn’t enough to earn you the kind of recommendations that will be profitable for you.

You’ll need to prove to your clients, through every interaction and every step of the home buying or -selling process, that you’re someone they want to stay in touch with.

You may think that simply calling to check in with past clients once in a while, or friending them on Facebook, will be enough to keep them thinking about you. In reality, it’s not that simple. Understanding when and how to reach out to keep client connections open is an art, one that agents who enjoy robust referral business learn to master early on.

There are many channels at your disposal. It’s up to you to know which will be appropriate (and appreciated!) with any individual client.

Be Remembered

 To be someone your clients will recommend to their friends, you’ll need to build trust and provide service so memorable they’ll think of you immediately. What do you offer that other agents can’t?

Maybe you’re a natural with luxury buyers. Maybe you specialize in a certain area or speak a language that makes you indispensable for a certain demographic of buyers. Or maybe you’ve simply found ways to make clients’ lives easier that they weren’t expecting.

Whatever your strengths are, your clients must know that you’re leveraging your skill set to the best of your ability and providing personal service based on their individual needs.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

 If you’ve done a great job and your clients are thrilled with the outcome, then they’ll probably be more than happy to recommend your services to others.

It’s nice when clients think of you and recommend you unprompted, but your clients are human. They’re going to move on with their lives (which will be busier immediately after buying or selling a home) and chances are they’ll need a nudge. Knowing when and how to tactfully ask for referrals is an important element of maintaining your agent-client relationship; the way that you ask is important, and you don’t want to make anyone feel pressured and leave things on the wrong note.

Are you confident in your ability to solicit referrals from your clients?

AgentEDU® is a platform where agents at every level can come to watch 10-minute video courses for the many situations that successful agents must master. From essential to advanced level and everything in between, AgentEDU® courses help agents become top producers with increased earnings and a plan for continued growth.

AgentEDU® is an Agent Publishing brand. For nearly two decades, Agent Publishing has been committed to providing residential real estate professionals with the information and training required to build successful and meaningful careers in their local markets. Agent Publishing’s influence extends to every career stage and reaches agents across print, digital, events and online learning.

The Lead Generation Basics Real Estate Agents Can’t Afford to Mess Up

To make a living selling real estate, you need clients.

The life cycle of your leads—how you acquire them, convert them into paying clients, and handle the purchase and closing process – will define your business, but many new agents mishandle opportunities when they’re starting out, missing out on countless commissions.

The best agents—the top producers who sell millions of dollars in real estate every year—are lead generation experts. They’ve built their networks from the bottom up, and many of them enjoy lucrative referral business, which is key to running a sustainable real estate business.

Do you know how to not only find clients, but also make them so happy with your service that they’ll enthusiastically refer you to their friends and family?

How Do I Get Leads?

The first thing you need to know is where to find leads.

The core lead generation techniques you’ll need to master are marketingcommunity involvementopen housesbecoming a specialist and providing great service and expertise.

Once you’ve managed to drum up a steady stream of leads, organizing and properly handling those leads is the next step to turning them into clients.

How Do I Handle My Leads When I Get Them?

It’s best to have one central location to store all the client details you have collected. For many, a simple spreadsheet won’t be enough—to keep more robust records, you’ll want a more full-featured tool, a CRM (or Client Relationship Management) tool.

Not sure how to identify the right tool, or where to find it?

With AgentEDU, you’ll get actionable instruction on where to find leads, how to convert them and build up referral business and how to store and manage your prospects’ and clients’ information.

If you’re anything like most new agents, you need more than just a general overview of lead generation to get your business up off the ground. Your time is valuable, so stop wasting it on missed opportunities or unqualified leads – learn how to handle leads the right way.

AgentEDU’s targeted courses cover every aspect of lead generation, from the most basic principles for beginners to the advanced techniques employed by industry veterans.

AgentEDU® is a platform where agents at every level can come to watch 10-minute video courses for the many situations that successful agents must master. From essential to advanced level and everything in between, AgentEDU® courses help agents become top producers with increased earnings and a plan for continued growth.

AgentEDU® is an Agent Publishing brand. For nearly two decades, Agent Publishing has been committed to providing residential real estate professionals with the information and training required to build successful and meaningful careers in their local markets. Agent Publishing’s influence extends to every career stage and reaches agents across print, digital, events and online learning.